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tsocket - expose localhost to internet

tsocket is completely free for personal and commercial use.

Launch secure multiple http and tcp tunnels, without limitation.


With tsocket you can tunnel localhost to get public https url for local site and for a tcp service running locally it provides you with a hostname and publicly available port that you can connect to from anywhere.

  • ✅ Ability to tunnel local website to internet and get public http and https url
  • ✅ Can create TCP Tunnels
  • ✅ Can tunnel websockets
  • ✅ Single user can launch multiple http and tcp tunnels
  • ✅ Can launch multiple tsocket processes
  • ✅ No config files and simple cli interface
  • ✅ Completely free for personal and commercial use with no paid plans.

Getting Started

Getting Started with tsocket is very easy, just download the version based on your OS and authenticate with the auth token.

1. Download tsocket for your operating system

Download the appropriate version for your operating system. tsocket is avaliable for all major operating systems and also works on raspberryPi.

2. Unarchive and the program

tar xzvf /path/to/download/tsocket.tar.gz


tar xzvf ~/Downloads/tsocket.tar.gz

Move to bin folder

sudo mv ./tsocket /usr/local/bin/

Notes for Windows

For windows the binary is shipped in a zip file instead of a tar archive. Just right click on unzip and cd into the folder to run the program tsocket.exe

Notes for WSL Users

  • Download the linux version of tsocket

  • The Download location is typically /mnt/c/Users/<username>/Downloads so run:

tar xzvf /mnt/c/Users/<username>/Downloads/tsocket.tar.gz
sudo mv ./tsocket /usr/local/bin/

3. Signup for a free account

Go to and signup for a free account.

To create tunnels using tsocket you need to have an account. An account is required to prevent spam.

4. Authenticate tsocket with the auth token

Once you have create an account, you will get an auth token, you can use the auth token to authenticate the tsocket cli program.

To authenticate run the command.

tsocket auth <auth_token>

5. That's it! Now you can start creating tunnels

Create HTTP Tunnel

To get a public url for your web app running locally at port 3000 run

tsocket http 3000

tsocket http tunnel

It will give both http and https URLs that you can share with anyone and they can access the web app running locally at port 3000 from the internet.

Create TCP Tunnel

You can also tunnel a tcp service running locally to the internet. For e.g if you want to temporarily allow remote desktop to a raspberryPi or share a local database with a co-worker.

⚠️ Tunnel local TCP server to internet is dangerous. Use it for quick and temporary sharing and make sure the service that you are sharing is secure and protected with a strong password.

tsocket tcp 6379

In the above example we are creating a tunnel for tcp service running at port 6379, in this case it is a redis server.

tsocket tcp tunnel

To connect to his redis server remotely we will run

redis-cli -h -p 1102

Use cases

Here is a list of common use cases that you use tsocket for.

Test Webhooks locally

You can use tsocket to test webhooks. Most applications that offers webhooks require a public https URL which is generally not available during testing. Using tsocket you can easily get a https public url for your application running locally.

For e.g if you app is running locally at port 3000 you can run

tsocket http 3000

tsocket http tunnel

You local application running at port 3000 is now accessible at

Now you can specify this URL as webhooks URL and develop the functionality to handle webhooks.

Share your web application

If you want to share you web application running quickly with your colleagues or others you can use tsocket to quickly generate a public URL and share it with so that they can try it out and give you quick feedback.

Instead of uploading the application to a cloud server to get a public URL you can simply generate a public URL with tsocket in seconds and share it with your co-workers or colleagues.

Get https url for WebRTC testing

WebRTC application that required camera and microphone access need webpage to be server over https with a trusted SSL certificate, which is a pain to setup locally.

With tsocket you can easily get a https url of your application running locally

HTTP File Sharing

With tsocket you can share a folder and share the URL, the other person can view the files in the folder and download them.

First cd into the folder that you want to share

cd /folder/you/want/to/share

Start simple http server to serve the files in the folder using the python http.server module.

python3 -m http.server

The python http server modules, starts the server on port 8000 so we will be tunneling the port 8000 via tsocket.

tsocket http 8000

Temporarily allow SSH to local machine from remote

⚠️ Tunnel local TCP server to internet is dangerous. Use it for quick and temporary sharing and make sure the service that you are sharing is secure and protected with a strong password or public/private key.

To allow SSH to local machine from the internet run:

tsocket tcp 22

22 is the common ssh port.

You will get a public hostname and port you can use to connect to remotely.

Temporarily allow Remote Desktop to local machine from remote

⚠️ Tunnel local TCP server to internet is dangerous. Use it for quick and temporary sharing and make sure the service that you are sharing is secure and protected with a strong password.

To allow RDP to local machine from the internet run:

tsocket tcp 3389

3389 is the port for remote desktop protocol.

You will get a public hostname and port you can use to connect to remotely.

Temporarily allow access to FTP

⚠️ Tunnel local TCP server to internet is dangerous. Use it for quick and temporary sharing and make sure the service that you are sharing is secure and protected with a strong password.

To allow FTP server running locally from the internet run:

tsocket ftp 22

You will get a public hostname and port you can use to connect to remotely.

Product Roadmap

Local web interface to view and repeat http requestsUnder Development
Ability to whitelist IP addressesUnder Development
Stop running tunnels from the dashboardUnder Development


We take abuse very seriously. Do not use this service to run phishing or any other kind of scam. If we detect you are abusing the service, your account will be blacklisted. If you find anyone abusing the service please report it at

Your public IP is exposed in the tunnel URL. The tunnel URL is constructed in the following manner:



You can contact us for any questions or feedback.

Terms and Privacy Policy

By using tsocket you agree to our terms and privacy policy.

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