activeSpeaker event is emitted whenever a participant is speaking in the meeting
activeSpeaker event is emitted whenever a participant is speaking in the meeting
This page will help you get started with Metered. You'll be able to create your own video and voice calling applications.
Select/Change the user's microphone
Select/Change the user's speaker for audio output
Select/Change the user's camera
When the composition is enabled, the composed media stream is received by this event.
This document describes all the events emitted by the Javascript SDK's meeting object.
Get the video stream of the selected video input device or the default input device
Return the list of online participants currently in the meeting room
Call this method to join the Room.
Leave / Exit the meeting
Lists all the connected microphones the user has
Lists all the speakers / audio output devices user has
Lists all the cameras the user has
Emitted when startAudio() startVideo() or startScreenSharing() method is called
When stopAudio() or stopVideo() methods are called, this event is emitted.
This event is emitted when the meeting is terminated
leaveMeeting() method is called this event is emitted to the participant
If you have not already read the Advanced SDK Guide Advanced SDK Guide, please read it first.
Mute participant's microphone
This event is emitted multiple during the meeting
Emitted when a new participant joins the meeting room
When a participant exits the meeting this event is emitted
Mute the participant's video
This document answers general questions about pricing and billing including audio only pricing
In this guide, we will explain how you can create a private meeting room and authenticate users via access tokens.
Emitted when any participant in the meeting room shares their microphone, camera, or screen
Emitted when any participant in the meeting room STOP sharing their microphone, camera, or screen
Resume participant's video
Share microphone in the meeting
Share Screen in the meeting
Share video in the meeting
This event is emitted when the meeting state changes
Stop sharing participants microphone
Stop participant's video or screen share
UnMute participant's microphone