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Call this method to join the Room.


const meetingInfo = await meeting.join({
roomURL: "",
name: "James Bond",
accessToken: "..."

Join Options

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
roomURLURL of your Room. The URL is
namename of the user, can be any string value.Yes
accessTokenAccess Token can be generated using tokens api. If Room is private the token is required to join.No
receiveVideoStreamTypedefault: only_individual
Available options:
  • none no video stream will be sent to the user.
  • only_individual: individual video stream of each participant will be sent to the user
  • only_composed: this option only works when composition is turned on in the meeting room, if only_composed is selected then only the composed video stream is sent to the user.
  • all: both individual and composed stream is sent to the user.
receiveAudioStreamTypedefault: only_individual
Available options:
  • none: no audio stream will be sent to the user
  • only_individual: individual audio stream of each participant will be sent to the user
  • only_composed: this option only works when composition is turned on in the meeting room. only_composed is selected then only the composed audio stream is sent to the user. When only_composed is selected for the audio stream and the participant is sharing their audio they will hear their own voice.
  • all - both individual and composed stream will be sent to the user.


This method returns meetingInfo object that has the following properties

roomIdroomId of the meeting room
meetingSessionIdmeetingSessionId of the current meeting session
participantSessionIdparticipantSessionId of the current participant
onlineParticipants[]Array of participants currently online in the meeting

onlineParticipants array contains the following properties

isAdmin: booleanindicates the user is admin or not
meetingSessionIdmeetingSessionId of the current meeting session
nameusername of the participant
roomIdroomId of the meeting room
_idparticipantSessionId of the participant